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Our Top Baby Sleep Tips

We recently asked our new followers on Facebook and Instagram what their favourite top baby sleep tips were. We were not at all surprised to find that most of the tips that were shared are in line with what a lot of sleep experts suggest!

So what are the top 3 sleep tips as recommended by our wonderful followers?

1. Routine, routine, routine!

This was by far the most popular sleep tip mentioned. Whether your nighttime routine includes a bath or massage followed by a feed and story time, or simply a cuddle and a goodnight kiss, keeping a consistent routine is going to help your little one relax and fall to sleep soundly.

2. Quiet time before bed

Most sleep experts also recommend creating a soothing and relaxing atmosphere after supper. Dimming the lights and spraying some lavender will help prevent your baby from over-stimulating and let them know it’s almost time for bed.

3. Singing a lullaby or reading a story

This tip was mentioned by many of you and this also is a cue for your baby or little one that it is time for a soothing and dreamy sleep. You can record your baby's favourite lullaby onto Jaspar so your little one can drift off to their favourite sound!

It's also really important to create the perfect environment for your baby to sleep - here are a few things that can help:

  • White noise - this can help to block out loud and sudden noises in the environment and remind your baby of the safety and security of being in the womb. Jaspar has 6 soothing white noise sounds, including a real womb heartbeat!
  • Dim lighting - if the room is too bright it will suppress the sleep inducing hormone Melatonin. A soft red or amber light will help create a comforting environment and help to induce sleep.
  • Right temperature - make sure the room isn't too hot or cold. Babies prefer temperatures between 16 and 20 degrees.

Our final tip for all parents is to not feel guilty for taking a nap with your baby or child during the day, especially if you have a newborn! Sleep deprivation is a common problem for parents of babies and toddlers and can have many negative effects on your health and well being.

In fact, studies have shown that napping with your baby can help lift your mood, your memory and keep you energised! 


Love and sleepy snuggles,

Team Jaspar